Mexican habits

 1. Speak in the diminutive.

The original peoples expressed themselves with children in a more affectionate way than with the rest of the people, calling them with tender nicknames such as cocoton (little crumb in Nahuatl), or nishi (small in Hñahñu). This is a custom that has survived to this day, not only in our treatment of the little ones, but also in the use we make of diminutives in our day to day. Now you know where this custom comes from!

2.Bathe twice a day.

When the Spaniards arrived on our continent, they noticed that the population was extremely clean and that, in addition to bathing twice a day in rivers and streams, all the houses had a temazcalli (a house where one sweats, in Nahuatl). And that both were part of the daily grooming routine. It is worth noting the contrast with the customs of the Spanish, who hardly even bathed.

3. He calls the children “escuincles”.
The Xoloitzcuintle is a breed of dog native to Mexico. These puppies lack fur and can come in three different sizes. They are dogs that as children are very restless, jealous and even rude to strangers, although very affectionate with their owner. Also, they never get tired of playing. I think there is no need to explain more, right?
4.Eat tortilla and spicy.
We Mexicans cannot go a day without eating a tortilla or spicy food. We have inherited it from our parents and they from their ancestors. The native food has not undergone major transformations since the European invasion and only new ingredients from other continents have been added. These additions improved the flavors and although they created some new foods, the essence is the same to this day. Believe me that the history of our people could be told through the tortilla and the spicy...
